Hello fans, welcome back to another edition of Fisher Falcon Baseball!
This site might be a little behind today due to the fact that i have to do the dakstats-websync which can be found
here. Just click on the ((W)) beside the Valley City Game.
Here are the starting lineups
Valley City State (2-6)
#2 Tanner Bombenger SS
#7 Preston Jenson RF
#9 Josh Evans CF
#25 Josh Standing Elk 3B
#16 Mike Danielson DH
#10 Matt Borgford LF
#23 Ian Jansen 2B
#19 Cory Arnason 1B
#4 Justin Connell C
#26 Shane Schoeneberg P
Fisher College (2-6)
#11 Mike Oliveira SS
#20 Gary Lunetta 2B
#14 Tom Englehardt 3B
#24 Edwin Pena DH
#4 Eddy Delcarmen 1B
#8 Jon Olivo C
#28 Richie Welch CF
#26 Jesse Avalos RF
#10 Juan Eusebio LF
#1 Zack Thompson LHP
Fisher College will be the home team in this game which is being played at the University of Texas at Brownsville. Fisher will be wearing their white navy blue pinstripes while Valley City State University will be wearing their maroon tops with gray pants.
Top1 - Bombenger, Jensen, Evans
First pitch of the game, Thompson drills Bombenger. Jensen hits a 3-1 offering between Oliveira and Englehardt for a base hit. Runners now at first and second. Evans hits a ground ball to Oliveira who flips to Lunetta at second to force out Jensen. Lunetta has trouble getting the ball out of his glove and we now have runners at the corners with 1 out. Evans steals second. Runners now at second and third. Standing Elk hits a RBI Base hit up the middle, one run scores. Danielson is hit by the pitch. Bases now loaded. Borgford singles to center, another run scores. Bases still loaded. Jansen hits a ground ball to short. Oliveira to Lunetta to Delcarmen, double play, Thompson is out of the jam.
2 Runs, 3 Hits, 0 Errors, 2 Left on Base
Bottom 1 - Oliveira, Lunetta, Englehardt
Oliveira grounds out to short, Bombenger to Arnason. 1 out. Lunetta singles through the left side of the infield. Englehardt then rips one to right, Lunetta advances to third. Pena swings at the first pitch and pops it up to short, Bombenger makes the catch, 2 out. Delcarmen then swings at the first pitch and grounds out to short, Bombenger to Arnason, 3 out.
0 Runs, 2 Hits, 0 Errors, 2 Left on Base
Top 2 - Arnason, Connell, Bombenger
Arnason singles up the middle, then steals second on the first pitch to Connell. Connell walks, and Cliff Vazquez is on to do the coutesy running. Bombenger hits a triple down the right field line, 2 runs will score and its now 4-0 Valley City. Jensen hits a weak ground ball to Delcarmen who applies the tag for the first out. Bombenger stays at third. Evans then rips a triple into the right center gap. Bombenger scores, 5-0 VCSU. Standing Elk lifts a fly ball to shallow right field, Lunetta makes the catch over his shoulder. Evans alertly tags and scores. Danielson strikes out swinging to end the inning.
4 Runs, 3 Hits, 0 Errors, 0 Left on Base
Bottom 2 - Olivo, Welch, Avalos
Olivo singles up the middle.Welch slaps one to left field for a base hit. Olivo moves up to second. Wild pitch allows the runners to move up to second and third. Avalos strikes out swinging on a change up low and away. 1 out. Eusebio hits the hardest ball of his life, but its no avail as it is hit right at Standing Elk who makes the catch and steps on third for the unassisted double play. Tough break for Fisher. Inning over.
0 Runs, 2 Hits, 0 Errors, 1 Left on Base
Top 3 - Due Up: Borgford, Jansen, Arnason
Borgford swings and misses on a curve ball for a strike out. 1 out. Jansen swings and misses on an outside two seam fastball for the second out of the inning. Arnason strikes out swinging on a change up. 3 outs. Thompson looks like he has finally started to settle down after a shaky start.
0 Runs, 0 Hits, 0 Errors, 0 Left on Base
Bottom 3 - Due Up: Oliveira, Lunetta, Englehardt
Oliveira lines one back up the box, which hits Schoeneberg's hip and Oliveira is aboard safely. Lunetta stikes out swinging and Oliveira is caught stealing. A good ol' fashion strike'em out, throw'em out double play. 2 out. Englehardt lifts an easy fly ball to shallow left, Bombeger is there to retire the side.
0 Runs, 1 Hit, 0 Errors, 0 Left on Base
Top 4 - Due Up: Connell, Bombenger, Jensen
Connell hits a bouncer up the middle over Thompson's head for a single. Vazquez is on to courtesy run. He then steals second. Olivo's throw is too late to get him. Bombenger hits a fly ball to deep right, Avalos is there to make the catch and Vazquez tags and advances to third. Jensen hits a RBI single between Lunetta and Delcarmen. Thats the end for Thompson as #56 Yeuritz Monterio comes in to pitch. Monterio throws a curve ball in the dirt (about 54 feet) and the runner advances to second. Evans hits a bomb to deep right center for an RBI triple. Score is now 9-0 VCSU. Standing Elk hits a sac fly to deep center. Jensen scores. Danielson grounds out to Englehardt who throws across the diamond to Delcarmen to end the inning.
3 Runs, 3 Hits, 0 Errors, 0 Left on Base
Bottom 4 - Due Up: Pena, Delcarmen, Olivo
Pena reaches on a error by the right fielder Jensen. Who totally muffed the fly ball. Delcarmen hits a ground ball to Jansen who tags Pena and throws on to first for the double play. 2 outs. Olivo, after a tough at bat, walks. Welch hits a chopper to short, Bombenger flips to Jansen for the final out. Inning over.
0 Runs, 0 Hits, 1 Errors, 1 Left on Base
Top 5 - Due Up: Borgford, Jansen, Arnason
Vazquez is now pinch hitting for Borgford. Vazquez is hit by the pitch, up around the forearm area. Thats the end of the day for Monterio as Matt Hendy, the sidearmer, is on in relief. Garrett Jackson is pinch hitting for Jansen. Jackson singles to right, Vazquez stops at second. Arnason singles to center, one run scores. Welch's throw to third is wild and another run is in. Connell gets an RBI single to left. Arnason scores. Letkemeier is now the courtsey runner. He then steals second. Bombenger walks. Hendy is replaced by LHP JT O'Niell. Jensen flies out to left, 1 out. Evans htis a soft grounder to the mound, it goes off of O'Neill's glove, Englehardt fields it and throws on to Delcarmen for the second out. Standing Elk grounds to third, Englehardt to Delcarmen. Inning over.
3 runs, 3 Hits, 1 Error, 2 Left on Base
Bottom 5 - Due Up: Avalos, Eusebio, Oliveira
Avalos strikes out swinging, 1 out. Eusebio beats out a ground ball to short. Oliveira hits a rocket to right, but Jensen is there to make the running catch. 2 outs. Lunetta hits an easy fly ball to center, Evans is under it to end the game.
0 Runs, 1 Hit, 0 Errors, 1 Left on Base
End of Game due to Mercy Rule. Game Two of this double header will start shortly.
Final Score from Scorpion Field, Valley City 12 - Fisher 0.
Here are the lineups for the second game. Fisher is the home team.
Valley City State University
#24 Garrett Jackson C
#7 Preston Jensen RF
#9 Josh Evans CF
#25 Josh Standing Elk 3B
#16 Mike Danielson DH
#10 Matt Borgford LF
#23 Ian Jansen 2B
#19 Cory Arnason 1B
#8 Mark Kerkowich SS
#21 Derek Zitzow P
Fisher College
#11 Mike Oliveira SS
#28 Richie Welch CF
#14 Tom Englehardt 3B
#24 Edwin Pena C
#4 Eddy Delcarmen 1B
#5 Rob Mondello 2B
#48 Matthew McDougal-Shaver DH
#47 Matthew Mondello RF
#10 Juan Eusebio LF
#6 Kevin Ryan RHP
Top 1 - Due Up: Jackson, Jensen, Evans
Ryan's curve ball slips and hits Jackson in the helmet. He is all right, and Vazquez is on to courtesy run. Jensen chops one out in front of the plate, Pena jumps on it and throws him out a first. Vazquez advances to second. Evans pops one up to shallow right, Rob Mondello is under it to make an eventful catch. It bounced out of his glove but he is able to catch it in the air for the second out. Standing Elk hits a weak grounder to short, Oliveira up with it and throws on to Delcarmen for the out. Inning over. I'm glad this one started better than the last game.
0Runs, 0 Hits, 0 Errors, 1 Left on Base
Bottom 1 - Due Up: Oliveira, Welch, Englehardt
Oliveira walks on four straight. Welch hits one to deep right, Jensen is there, 1 out. Englehardt smashes one down the right field line for a double, Oliveira is held up at third. Pena is jammed and hits a soft roller to third, Standing Elk makes the play to retire Pena. 2 out. Delcarmen is hit by the pitch. Bases now loaded for Rob Mondello. Mondello is hit by a pitch with two strikes, thats an RBI as Oliveira makes the walk home. Englehardt goes to third, Delcarmen to second. Bases still loaded for the Minnesotan McDougal Shaver. McDougal-Shaver is hit with another two strike pitch. Thats his second RBI in as many days, as Englehardt scores. Bases loaded for Matt Mondello. Matty Mo chops on to third, Standing Elk throws it away, Delcarmen and Rob Mondello scores, McDougal-Shaver advances to third. Eusebio with a base hit to center, McDougal-Shaver scores. Oliveira becomes "that guy" and ends the inning with a fly out to right.
5 Runs, 2 Hits, 1 Error, 2 Left on Base
Top 2 - Due Up: Danielson, Borgford, Jansen
Danielson stikes out swinging on a slurve. 1 out. Borgford hits a weak grounder to second, Rob Mondello misplays it as it hits off his glove and Borgford on by way of the error. Jansen hits a fly ball to right, Matt Mondello is there to make the second out. Arnason swings and misses on a ball in the dirt, Pena corrals it and throws to Delcarmen to retire the side.
0 Runs, 0 Hits, 1 Error, 1 Left on Base
Bottom 2 - Welch, Englehardt, Pena
Welch walks to begin the inning. Englehardt hits one through the first baseman for a RBI base hit. Welch scores. Pena swings at a 3-1 offering and grounds into a 6-4-3 double play (thats shortstop to second base to first base). 2 outs. Delcarmen strikes out swining to end the inning.
1 Run, 1 Hit, 0 Error, 0 Left on Base
Top 3 - Due Up: Kerkowich, Jackson, Jensen
Kerkowich hits one up the middle, Oliveira trys to make a play but holds on to it. Base hit for Kerkowich. Jackson flies one to right, Matt Mondello is there, 1 out. Jensen hits a liner destened for the second base gap, but Rob Mondello makes a sensatioanal diving catch for the second out. Evans hits a bomb over the head of centerfielder Welch for a RBI triple. Standing Elk hits a ground to Rob Mondello, who fields it cleanly and tosses to first for the third out.
1 Run, 2 Hits, 0 Errors, 1 Left on Base
Bottom 3 - Due Up: Rob Mondello, Matt McDougal-Shaver, Matt Mondello
Rob Mondello singles through the 5.5 hole. McDougal-Shaver lines into a double play, he smoked a ball right at the shortstop who caught it and the air and doubled up Rob Mondello who was running on the play. Matt Modello gets a base hit over the shortstop's head. Eusebio grounds into an inning ending fielder's choice. Matt Mondello is forced out at second.
0 Runs, 2 Hits (by the Mondello bros), 0 Errors, 1 Left on Base
Top 4 - Due Up: Danielson, Borgford, Jansen
Danielson is retired on three straight by way of the K. 1 out. Borgford flies out to left, Eusebio is there, 2 away. Jansen walks on a terrible call by the home plate umpire, who should've rung him up. Arnason hits a grounder to short, Oliveira can't handle to hop, runner advances to second. Arnason is aboard with an error. Kerkowich flies out to center. Inning over.
0 Runs, 0 Hits, 1 Error, 1 Left on Base
Bottom 4 - Due Up: Oliveira, Welch, Englehardt
Oliveira hits a 3-1 pitch to right, Jensen is there to make the catch. 1 out. Welch doubles down the left field line. Englehardt hits a no doubt BOMB down the right field line for a two-run HR. Pena flies out to left, 2 outs. Delcarmen hits one through the left side for a single. Rob Mondello hits a grounder to third, Standing Elk up with it and makes the throw to retire the side.
2 Runs, 3 Hits, 0 Errors, 1 Left on Base
Top 5 - Due Up: Jackson, Jensen, Evans
Jackson grounded out to third, Englehardt to Delcarmen. 1 out. Jensen hits one to second, Rob Mondello fields it cleanly but throws it into the Falcon dugout. Jensen is now on second base. Evans stikes out swinging for the second out. Standing Elk strikes out looking on a curve ball, side retired.
0 Runs, 0 Hits, 1 Error, 1 Left on Base
Bottom 5 - Due Up: McDougal-Shaver, Matt Mondello, Eusebio
Pinch Hitter - #32 JJ Navas for McDougal-Shaver
New Pitcher - #18 Logan Midthun (LHP)
Navas with a double to deep right, off the base of the wall. Matt Mondello hits a routine grounder to third, Standing Elk to Arnason, 1 out. Eusebio copies Matt Mondello and grounds out to third. 2 out. Oliveira flies out to right. Inning over.
0 Runs, 1 Hit, 0 Errors, 1 Left on Base
Top 6 - Due Up: Danielson, Bongford, Jansen
Danielson strikes out swining. 1 out. Borgford walks on four straight balls. Jansen walks. Head Coach Scott Dulin makes a visit to the mound to try to calm down Ryan, who is up to 90 pitches on the day. Arnason hits a fly ball to right center, Welch makes the catch and Borgford scores. Jansen advances to second. Kerkowich singles off of Oliveira's glove. One run scores. Jackson hits a double to the right-center gap, 2 runbs score. Jensen hits a fly ball to center, Welch makes the catch, inning over.
3 Runs, 2 Hits, 0 Errors, 1 Left on Base
Bottom 6 - Due Up: Welch, Englehardt, Pena
Pitching Change: #11 Greg Miller now pitching for Valley City
Welch hits an easy fly ball to center. Evans is there, 1 out. Englehardt smokes one into shallow center. Pena flies out to deep left. 2 out. Delcarmen lifts a fly ball to center, Evans drops it. That allows Englehardt to score. Delcarmen is replaced by #20 Gary Lunetta. Rob Mondello pops one up in foul ground, to the right of the 1st base coach's box. Arnason is there to retire the side.
1 Run, 1 Hit, 1 Error, 1 Left on Base
Top 7 - Due Up: Evans, Standing Elk, Danielson
Evans flies out to right, 1 out. Standing Elk singles to right. Justin Connell is now pinch hitting. Connell hits on to deep right, Eusebio is there to make the catch. 2 out. Borgford lines out to left center, Eusebio makes the nice running catch to end the game.
0 Runs, 1 Hit, 0 Errors, 1 Left on Base
Final Score from Brownsville, TX - Fisher College 9, Valley City 4.
Post Game Notes:
Kevin Ryan throws a complete game (112 pitches) win for the Falcons. He improves his record to 1-1 on the young season.
Tom Englehardt went 4-4 including a monster bomb (2 run HR) to right, that landed somewhere in Mexico. Overall on the day he was 5 for 6.
Freshman JJ Navas (Beverly, MA) recorded his first college hit with a ringing double of the base of the wall in right.
Post Game Recap:
Fisher splits double header with Valley City

Senior Tom Englehardt hit a 2 run HR to help Fisher earn a spilt with VCSU
Tom Englehardt (Bradford, MA) had an outstanding day as Fisher College split a double header against Valley City State University. Fisher dropped the first game of the day 12-0 in a shortened 5 inning game due to the mercy rule. Valley City beat up on starter Zack Thompson (Salem, MA), who was making his first start of the year. The Vikings touched him up for 8 runs in 3.1 innings. On the other side, Fisher could not solve the Vikings starting pitcher Shane Schoeneburg. In game two, Fisher flipped the switch and came out swinging. Englehardt led the charge by going 4 for 4 with a 2 run HR to right, which landed in Mexico. Also doing well for the Falcons was starting pitcher Kevin Ryan (Cheshire, CT). Ryan threw a complete game gem, allowing 4 runs, striking out 6 and surrendering 5 hits over the course of 7 innings. Fisher won game two by a score of 9-4.
With a rare off day tomorrow, the Falcons will be back in action Wednesday when they take on Valley City one more time with a 9 inning game. Game time is 3pm est. Immediately following that game, Fisher will take on Texas-Brownsville in a 9 inning contest.